Hair Loss Reversal for Women


Hair Loss Reversal for Women.

The loss of one’s hair can be terrifying for men, but the level gets raised to horror the second a woman realizes that she is losing her hair. As a woman, it can be hard to reconcile the fact that you are losing your hair. The time it takes to grow, or the cost to get decent salon styling for women can be enough to send a woman reeling.

Most women also find that their physical appeal in large part is a combination of things that first revolves around her hair being well groomed and maintained. At AZ Hair Restoration understanding the fear, causes, and ultimately the solution to keeping every strand of hair in place. In the case of Hair Loss Reversal for Women trust Dr. Zacco to get things done right.

Trust AZ Hair Restoration for your

The Underlying Cause of Hair Loss in Women.

Similarly, the loss of hair in men as it pertains to hereditary lineage is the same for women. There may be a glitch in the matrix of your genetic code that is actually causing the effect of hair loss that you are experiencing.

Since we haven’t perfected the genetic manipulation of our personal source code down to you walking into a doctor office and nipping the issue at the very, very, very, root of the cause. Dr. Zacco must be at the ready for our patients with options that make sense.

 Medical Conditions Playing Havoc on Your Hair.


Now un-similarly to men there is some medical conditions that women experience that will cause hair loss. Pregnancy is one factor that seems to be a major adversary at times in the battle to keep the hair that you have. Due to the gradual changes to your body and the hormonal shape-shifting that the body will undergo in this amazing time in your life. Your hair can be an unsuspecting casualty of this process.

Thyroid Disorder

Thyroid issues are next on the line in the fight to keep every strand of hair on your head. One of a woman’s most important gland to keep maintained for overall weight and metabolic health. This gland can also be responsible for hair loss if a disorder is present.


In this final hormonal change that a woman undergoes menopause can create a host of new challenges that a woman must face in her daily life. Hair loss if going to be one of the changes that all women should be prepared for during this time. Being prepared may mean that you rely on the medical professionals that know how to preserve the hair you have with experience, compassion, and true understanding of female hair health.

Everything You Do to Your Hair.

Let’s face it, women have an amount of up-keep that their hair that that directly causes hair loss. The amount of product that a woman puts in her that can cause the breakdown and thinning of the hair. Certain hair stylings can also cause hair loss. Cornrows for instants can cause a lot of pressure on hair and can cause hair loss.

Not the final nail in the coffin but certainly the one that is most commonly known is the use of both curling and straightening irons. You are literally heating up and destroying the natural oils in the follicle that maintain thickness and length.

This form of beautification also dry’s out the hair creating an environment that is unhealthy and prone to breakage. This form of styling may be the cost of looking your best before you leave the house but may also cost in large part the overall amount of hair that you have if used consistently.

AZ Hair Restoration.

No matter the issue AZ Hair Restoration is there to make sure you keep the hair you have in place and full of life. From A to Z our staff will show you the respect and care that you have come to expect from top-level professionals and Dr. Zacco can diagnose as well as come up with a range of solutions.

Such as:

So, make the right choice the first time and schedule a consultation today, and find the you that you know you’ve wanted to be.


Dr. Arthur Zacco

6400 Creedmoor Rd Ste #104 Raleigh, NC  27613
(919) 615-0577


410 E Williams St Apex, NC 27502
(919) 615-0577

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