5 Ways to Deal With Hair Loss


Aging can be scary, and some people don’t fare as well as others. Looking at some of Hollywood’s leading men like Richard Gere and Harrison Ford, you can see they have full heads of hair and rock the silver fox look. Life can be cruel when it comes to the aging process and how to deal with hair loss.

You might notice that you have aches and pains in places you never thought possible, wrinkles adorn your once smooth face, and your hair seems to fall out, which creates a receding hairline. It’s frightening to acknowledge that your once full head of hair is now thinning. Once you start losing your locks, it’s unavoidable to face that you’re growing older.

Some men shave their heads to hide it, while others try a combover style to camouflage it. You may try drugstore shampoos that promise to regrow your hair, but you may be unhappy with what you see every time you look in the mirror. Hair loss can impact your self-esteem, and it’s known to cause anxiety when going to public places. Did you know that some people struggle with depression over losing their hair?

Strategies on How to Deal with Hair Loss

Thankfully, there are ways that you can grow older and keep your confident nature. First, you must come to terms with the loss you’ve experienced. Denial isn’t going to help the matter for you. So, if you’ve lost some hair, it’s not the end of the world. There are ways that you can cope with the loss of your precious locks and still thrive and live life to the fullest. Here are a few examples.

1. Rock the Facial Hair

If you’re losing hair on top, the next best thing to do is to grow it on your face. Some men look amazing with a beard or a goatee, so this is a good option. Having a shaved head and facial hair is trendy. You’ll create an illusion of fullness, and you’ll notice people will look less at your head and more at your face.

2. Get a New Hairdo

Do you have the option to style your hair differently? Combovers are very popular for thinning tresses, but other choices are less noticeable. Like buying a new outfit, a new hairstyle can make you feel great about yourself.

A new cut and even a color change might give you a boost in your esteem. Some styles are excellent at camouflaging the balding problem. For instance, you can try styling your hair with a side part rather than covering up the noticeable receding hairline. Another trick is to let your hair grow out a bit to help offset the loss. Longer hairstyles are always popular with some guys and may help give volume and balance to a sparse area.

3. Embrace Reality

As you grow older, you want to enjoy your life. No one wants to be miserable, but it can damper your spirits if you can’t get past the balding issue. Don’t hide behind hats and hairpieces when you can embrace all that’s you.

You’ve earned every wrinkle, gray hair, or missing lock as you’ve lived a full life. What will be more apparent to others is not how much hair is on your head but the confidence you radiate. You’ll soon learn it doesn’t bother you when you don’t dwell on your hair and the missing plugs.

4. Learn the Facts and Gain Perspective

You’re not the only person in this world who’s experiencing hair loss. Millions of men like you are going through the same thing and still lead happy lives. When you feel your self-esteem is taking a hit from the change, you must remember that you’re not alone. Hair loss is quite common, and you shouldn’t be embarrassed.

5. Consider Hair Restoration Treatments

If you don’t want to live with hair loss, you can do something about it. Beautiful options allow you to transplant your hair from the fuller areas to fill sparse regions. If you can’t see yourself rocking the bald look, let us help you.

Dr. Zacco at AZ Hair Restoration has helped thousands of people like you deal with their balding issues. There are things you can do to help improve your self-esteem and restore your hair.

Deciding How to Handle Your Loss

It’s only natural that you’re more sensitive to your hair loss, but the truth is that few people will notice or be as critical as you are of yourself. Your hair is one small element of your person. Sure, coming to terms with hair loss doesn’t happen overnight, but you can move past it and thrive.

AZ Hair Restoration might be your answer if you want to look beyond the power of positive thinking and growing facial hair. This might be an excellent option if you have hair that can be harvested from other areas of your head. Call us today for a consultation and to hear what Dr. Zacco can do for you and your thinning locks.

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