Little Known Truths for Keeping Women’s Hair Healthy Throughout Life


Little Known Truths for Keeping Women’s Hair Healthy Throughout Life

Many women see their hair as a reflection of who they are as a person. Our hair is what people first notice about us in many cases. A woman can spend countless hours, effort and money to keep their lovely locks in the best shape possible though the years. While males often exhibit baldness as they age, a woman who begins noticing hair loss often is taken aback. Women also tend to feel greater anxiety than her male counterparts.

That said, there are some little known truths for keeping women’s hair healthy that all females should consider.

Hair Loss in Women Could Signify a Medical Problem

Even though everyone, including females, naturally lose up to 100 strands of hair daily, a significant or abrupt episode of hair loss in women often indicates an underlying medical problem that should be investigated. Some hormonal shifts due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, monthly cycle, menopause or aging can be quite normal. However, there are more serious endocrine issues like diabetes, thyroid disorders and various autoimmune diseases that can also cause the loss of more hair.

Recommended Tips for Keeping your Hair Healthy

Since ladies are more prone to wash, dry and style their hair on a regular basis, females are then more prone to hair damage and the symptoms that occur due to overheating, over-processing or generally being too harsh on fragile hair strands.

Expert tips for keeping your hair healthy through the years include:

  • Avoid harsh chemical processes like hair dyes, highlights or perms
  • Brush hair daily with a scalp massaging brush to release natural hair/scalp oils
  • Don’t wash hair too often or lather up more than once
  • Invest in better quality hair tools like blow dryers, curling irons and straighteners
  • Use good quality hair products
  • Allow hair to breathe when utilizing hair weaves, tight braids or even over-teasing regularly
  • Avoid hair products that include alcohol which is drying
  • Use protective hair products before heating with hair
  • Use natural silk pillowcases
  • Avoid using tight hair clips or ties

A Healthy Diet is Key for Gorgeous Hair

Lots of women diet or neglect to eat healthy meals at the expense of their hair health over time. The old adage that we are what we eat is still true. Women tend to develop eating disorders more than men do, and constantly eating unhealthy foods and drinking sugar laden beverages can take a toll on your hair. Women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or going through menopause often need to change their diet to ensure that their bodies get the proper nutrients needed for healthy locks that shine.

Protect Hair While Outdoors or While Sleeping

Many people find that they need to take extra hair protection precautions when planning to be out in inclement weather or while sleeping. Invest in some good quality hairbands, silken pillowcases and appropriate hats to avoid over drying hair shafts due to intense cold, heat or dry environments. Also, always wear a protective bathing cap when swimming in chlorine treated pools, and immediately rinse hair afterwards and apply a good conditioner made for your unique hair type.

How Do Genetics Factor in to Hair Thickness & Amount

There is often a genetic link to male pattern baldness, Alopecia and other types of baldness or noticeable hair loss issue in females as well as men. Typically, women tend to run into hair troubles when they neglect to care properly for their hair type. Using hair products made for another hair type can cause damage to hair and increases risks of hair breakage and other common hair conditions. Women who discover that their hair might change due to a family history of female hair issues can still have attractive hair with the appropriate treatments.

Speak Up if Hair Damage or Loss Happens

Women shouldn’t panic at the first sign of hair damage or even some volume loss. It is important for females to speak up when these incidents begin to occur more often despite trying commonsense hair remedy solutions. Keep regular appointments with your family doctor and other healthcare specialists. Alert your pharmacist too as many medications and prescribed hair or body treatments can cause hair issues. Even over-the-counter herbs, vitamins and other supplements should be carefully monitored by all of your healthcare team members.

Consider Consulting with Hair Restoration Clinics

If your hair issue seems no better despite recommended care and various home or spa treatments, consider a consultation with a hair restoration professional or clinic.

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